Using Our Freedom as a Missionary - A Lesson from Aly
As July 4th approaches, I am thinking about how blessed we are as both Americans and Christians. We truly enjoy so many freedoms that the majority of the world will never experience. I often have this weird thought, “What if I was born in another country?” But God chose America for me….. and for that I am truly grateful. As Christians we have the ability to worship, to witness, to gather in Jesus’ name, and to pray. Today, I want to give you some thoughts to hopefully encourage you to be in a place of gratitude.
How can we show gratitude to God for the Christian freedoms we enjoy in America?
If you are scratching your head a bit here, I’m going to help you out. This is a lesson I learned this week from my oldest, Aly. How do we show God appropriate gratitude for the Christian freedoms we have as Americans? The answer is this: You exercise this freedom everyday.
This week we had the privilege to take a beach vacation. It was so needed and so much fun. My Aly has a unique skill that I have become amazed with recently. No matter where she is or what she is doing, she can find a new friend within about 2 minutes. This girl met so many different people at the beach. I asked her how she did it and this is how that conversation went:
Me: “Aly tell me how you met your new friend.”
Aly: “It’s easy momma. I just asked her what her name is. And then I asked her if she knew Jesus.”
After I took my jaw off the floor…..
Me: “Well what did your new friend say?”
Aly: “She knows Jesus momma!!!!!”
Literal joy in her voice when she answered. Meanwhile…I am speechless.
How is she so brave? How does she do it? Who taught her that? I wish I could say it was me, but I’m not that bold. She literally asked 2 questions: What is your name? Do you know Jesus?
This is how you take full advantage of your freedom as a Christian! You ask the simple question: Do you know Jesus? You become a missionary right where God places you. I am dying to go on a mission trip overseas one day, but I’ve decided i need to wait until the kiddos get a little older. Why does it seem more exciting to go across the globe and ask people if they know Jesus, but we struggle to do it right where God has placed us? Why is it harder to ask our family about their relationship with Christ than a complete stranger? What made Aly so bold and so fearless?
Gosh - I don’t know the answers to all of those questions. But I do know that I can do a better job of exercising the Christian freedom we are so blessed to have in America. I have the freedom to be a missionary in my home, in my work place, at the store, at a football game….and yes….even at the beach. According to The Pledge, we are still one nation under God and we have the freedom and even sometimes the responsibility to ask others if they know Jesus. What does bold Christian freedom look like? It looks like an 8 year old, brunette, sweet-hearted little girl that unapologetically and fearlessly seeks to be sure others know about Jesus. Can we seek to be bold together this week? I’m not saying we need to have awkward conversations 🤣, but I bet there is someone God has placed in your path that needs you and needs Jesus. This is how we show gratitude for the freedom we have as Christians in America.
I am praying for you….
P.S. I wrote this prayer 3 years ago and just kept it hidden in my heart. How cool is it that God had the plan all along for the perfect time to share it (and how fitting it is today).
Dear Lord,
Thank you for the chance to relax with family on this 4th of July week. God, thank you for true freedom You gave us long before 1776. You gave us freedom and redemption from the oppression of sin through Jesus Christ. Thank you Lord for this gift and I pray I never take that freedom for granted. We love You and we praise You. I pray that during this day of remembrance for our country, we are able to reflect in gratitude for the freedom we have to serve and worship You Lord.
I pray for our country. Unfortunately, so many people in our country have confused freedom with lawlessness, division, hatred and untruth. I pray that our leaders will call on you in making decisions and remember that this country was laid on the foundation of unity in the one true living God. I know as Christians, we can’t fix everything. BUT we can continue to expand Your Kingdom and change the hearts of others to follow You. I pray that You use me for that purpose especially. Help us to be fearless and bold missionaries right where you place us.