Hope for the Competitive Spirit
So you’re competitive….. Me too! This photo is a lib competition we had at a work function this week. I was not giving up. I was going to win - even if it caused pain. We had to stand in this position until one person dropped. We were there for over 10 MINUTES! Spoiler alert: I lost and my one calf muscle is SO SORE! My friend Jackie won, and I’m finally at a place where I can accept defeat. :)
I’m not the type that will run over everything and everyone to get what I want. But you put a goal or task in front of me…. I’ll find a way to surpass it. It’s the way God made me. I see the good things that develop from a competitive spirit, but there is a clear line where the competitive spirit can take our eyes off Jesus. That’s what I want to talk about today.
If you were to pick up my phone and go to the notes section, you would find 95 different notes of incomplete blogs and ideas that God gave me (seriously.… it’s really 95). I have had this topic on my heart for a long time, and this morning God lead me straight to the scripture to help me finish it. Open your Bible or go to your Bible app and read with me today. Go to Matthew 18:1-5.
These few verses lead us to an instance where the disciples started arguing over who would be the greatest. The story is super short, but it gives me so much insight on how we Biblically navigate a competitive spirit.
So maybe you are reading and you are wondering if you have a competitive spirit. See if this sounds like you:
You may have a competitive spirit if you take on tasks you truly don’t have time for, but can’t stand the thought of saying no.
You may have a competitive spirit if it gives you joy to crush goals and complete tasks.
You may have a competitive spirit if you hate to lose. It doesn’t matter if you are playing a card game, watching football, or you were passed over on a job or task. Losing and missing out makes your heart sink.
You may have a competitive spirit if you feel the need to speak up and speak out often.
You may have a competitive spirit if you have ever thought, “I can do it better.”
Being competitive is not all bad. We are often the ones that get things done and do it well. But here is the question you need to ask yourself: Does your desire to be the best take your eyes off the best? Being the best is no replacement for worshipping and serving the best. The point at which we have put more trust in ourselves than God is the tipping point and opens the door for sin.
So let’s go back to scripture. Notice that Jesus’ response to their argument was this:
“Truly I tell you, unless you turn and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child- this one is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoever welcomes one child like this in my name welcomes me.” (Matthew 18:3-5)
Ok… first of all, I didn’t realize how important this concept was to Jesus. The words “you will never enter the kingdom of heaven” made me choke on my coffee this morning. I even had a moment of confusion, because I wondered how turning our attention to children was the solution. But stick with me as we unpack some practical ways to reign in our competitive spirit!
Don’t Let it Steal Your Joy
There are times the competitive spirit turns into the stealer of joy. The pressure to perform can cause comparison. Comparison can lead to jealousy. And that is one Satan’s most influential ploys in our life. If he can divide the Christian community through competition and comparison - Oh! What joy that would give him. Don’t let him do it. If you find yourself leaning towards comparison shift your focus to Jesus. It goes like this:
Dear Jesus, You know my heart. You know my desires. Take the temptation to compare away from me. I am trusting that you will find a way to help me experience the joy of using my skills to better your Kingdom. It’s not about me. It’s about you.
I know what you’re thinking… “It ain’t that easy.”
Yes it is. Don’t forget, you are competitive. You have drive. You have focus. I believe God can use your spirit to combat comparison. If anyone can do it, it’s YOU!
2. Don’t let the vision outweigh the present
More than likely you are a dreamer and a visionary. I actually love any opportunity to think about the future and God’s plan for me. But sometimes that competitive spirit causes you to look beyond what God places in clear sight. We can so easily miss the details in front of us.
Jesus did not miss what was right beside him. He literally reached down and picked up a child. Do not miss what God has placed in your path today looking at what you want to do in the future. Read that again. I am so guilty of this. I have to keep this concept top of mind and close to heart. God has appointed you in certain spaces at this very moment. Don’t miss the mission and opportunity right there.
3. What are you pushing to side?
For believers, being ambitious and goal oriented is not wrong. It is a quality that Jesus can use for the Kingdom. But when your drive overtakes your ability to humbly serve, you have gone too far. In this story, Jesus was teaching the disciples to serve and look for the “children” in our lives. Children can be seen as weak, dependent, and with no status. Jesus wants us to serve those type of people. After all, He came to serve not to be served. Don’t just seek out the big, ambitious, and most influential things. Seek the small, the humble, and the meek. Don’t push the small things to the side.
We also have to be careful that ambition doesn’t outweigh obedience. The “get ahead” mentality can be detrimental to God’s command of obedience. You also need to know that God will bless your obedience 100% of the time. Scripture says abundant blessings come to those who are obedient.
I want you to ask yourself, what does your competitive spirit cause you to push to the side?
I feel like I could write a whole devotional series on this whole concept. I’ve actually started it in one of my 95 notes on my phone. Ha! When you feel your competitive spirit overtaking humility, pause and go to this scripture.
“Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child- this one is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoever welcomes one child like this in my name welcomes me.” (Matthew 18:4-5)
P.S. Is your favorite team winning? The Saints are 2-0. LSU is looking better. My fantasy football team is 2-0. My team WILL beat your team. Ok… I’m sorry. I’ll go back and read my own blog to tone down my competitive spirit. :)