Dear Lord, Please Help Me Be a Good Summer Momma

This is the prayer I have been praying every morning. Like most families, we are still adjusting to what summer life and schedules look like. I truly do look forward to the summer season, but just like any other season, there are challenges. I don’t know about your house, but mine is pretty noisy these days. I play the role of a bus driver (yes…even in the summer), a referee of fights…lots of fights, a chef for 3 meals a day 🤣 (not a very good one might I add), a swim instructor, a PE coach, an art teacher…. All in the name of keeping them busy.

For those of you that homeschool your children…. Bless you. How do you do it? I welcome your advice. For those who are stay at home mommas, I admire you. Everyday is summer momma day for you. For those of you that go to an office everyday and have to drop your babies at camp, day care, or babysitters…. The summer kid shuffle must be a challenge. And then there are the empty nesters. Summer may bring back so many memories for you. Then there are a few of us that work from home and are brave enough to attempt to keep the kids busy, fed, and happy while answering emails, taking calls, all while maintaining patience and a smile (ok - so the smile may not happen). And who am I kidding? Patience goes out the window… No matter what your summer challenge is, being a summer momma is hard.

How can we draw energy and peace from God during this season? Does He have some sweet comfort for us? I believe He does. Here is what He’s pressed upon my heart:

The Comfort

First, if you’re even concerned about being a “good” summer momma, rest assured that you already are. Your sheer concern shows genuine love for your children. You are already a good one…. I promise. Are the days peaceful and calm? Probably not. But that doesn’t mean you are doing anything wrong. Being a good summer momma is learning to accept a little bit of chaos as a season not a permanent reality. In the chaos, we are to draw near to order. Allow God to be the order and consistency in your life. Also, take some pressure off yourself. Some days you will feel like you win the mom award and other days feel like you lost. I saw a quote the other day that said, “Winners are just really good losers.” It’s so true. When you lose the day, you learn, you adjust, and you try again the next day. That’s all God wants from us.


We all want a joy-filled summer for our kids, but let’s face it…. Making them happy 100% of the time is impossible. That is an unrealistic summer expectation. And there are so many times where those expectations can truly steal our joy. You also need to know that our kids give us new mercies every day just like God does. End the day with a question that steers their mind to something positive. I ask my kids almost everyday, “What was your favorite part of the day?” They always have an answer and I consider that a win.

Phone a friend

Seriously… find a friend in your same summer situation and bring her and her kids in. A few weeks ago, I had another work from home momma come over with her kids. We gave them some ground rules while we worked and they played. It was a breath of fresh air, and the kids loved it. Summer can be an excuse to pull away from your Christian community. Don’t get caught in that trap. We still need our people!!! Don’t let summer take you away from your community (especially your church community).

You must have quiet time.

I know that sounds so trivial and the “Sunday School Answer”, but you must. Your souls needs it. Your sanity needs it. Your heart needs it. I have a noticeable peace when I commune with God first thing in the morning. I truly must draw peace from His Word. My kids have started asking me, “Mom, have you done your Bible time yet?” THEY notice when I don’t and then call me out. 🤣

Embrace the Season

I do see the summers dwindling before my eyes. We are down to 9 summers with the high probability that all 3 kids will be at home all summer long. That’s not that many in the grand scheme of things. I know God wants to teach me contentment even in the busy seasons. This won’t last forever. Before we know it, we will be shuffling kids to school, then to all of the after school activities, weekend games, and events. I’m going to hold on to these next few weeks and fully embrace all the comes with it.

As I’m sure you noticed, this blog was more of an encouragement than Biblical lesson. But I know that’s what you need as we approach the half-way mark of summer. Hang in there summer mommas. Rest assured that you are a good one! Praying you have the best perspective the next few weeks.

Dear Lord,

First, thank you for the summer season. Thank you for the chance to spend more time with the kids. I pray for all the mommas trying to do it all and be it all for their families this summer. Give us peace to know that we are doing a good job at all of the multi-tasking. Help us draw on your order when things feel so chaotic. Don’t let us pull away from community. Keep our expectations and faith grounded so that we can fully embrace each day with a fresh and loving spirit. In your name we pray - Amen.

You got this momma!!


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